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    Supporting Taiwan's Participation in the UN

    29 Agustus 2023, Agustus 29, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-08-29T07:05:41Z
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    By Jun Manurung

    The United Nations (UN) is a global forum that facilitates cooperation among nations worldwide to address various global challenges. While the primary goal of the UN is to promote peace, cooperation, and sustainable development, unfortunately, there are still some issues that hinder the full participation of all eligible political entities, one of which is Taiwan. 

    Taiwan is a country that factually has a sovereign government and a strong democratic system. However, since 1971, Taiwan has not been recognized as a UN member due to political pressure from China, which claims Taiwan as part of its territory. Supporting Taiwan's participation in the UN would ensure that its voice and perspectives can be heard on the international stage. By recognizing Taiwan as an entity that makes real contributions in various fields such as technology, health, and the environment, the UN would more accurately reflect global diversity.

    Taiwan's participation in the UN would allow the country to contribute more actively to various global agendas, such as peace and security, poverty alleviation, global health, and climate change. With greater access to resources and platforms for discussion, Taiwan can share its best policies and practices with the world and collaboratively seek solutions to complex challenges.

    The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental issues demonstrate the importance of strong international cooperation. Taiwan has proven itself as a responsible and effective actor in addressing health and environmental crises. Full participation in global organizations like the UN would enable Taiwan to share experiences and resources in dealing with such emergencies.

    Support for Taiwan's participation in the UN can also help reduce tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. By providing a platform for Taiwan to speak and interact with other countries, this can encourage dialogue and better understanding among various parties. In the long run, this can have a positive impact on regional stability.

    Supporting Taiwan's participation in the UN is a recognition of the principles of democracy, human rights, and freedom. The UN, as an organization founded to advance these values, should embrace all entities that represent these principles.

    Overall, support for Taiwan's participation in the UN is a crucial step in ensuring more accurate and fair representation on the international stage. Through this participation, the UN will further strengthen its goals of advancing peace, global cooperation, and sustainable development.

