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    Prabumulih Government's Efforts in Combating Stunting Highlighted in TVRI Talk Show

    24 Januari 2024, Januari 24, 2024 WIB Last Updated 2024-01-24T05:34:05Z
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    POSMETRO.ID | PALEMBANG - The collaborative efforts of the Prabumulih City Government to reduce stunting rates have captured the attention of a national television station. Mayor of Prabumulih H. Elman, ST, MM, was invited to be a guest on the inaugural episode of the Head of Regional Government Answering Together program on TVRI Stasiun Sumatera Selatan, which aired live and was also streamed online on Tuesday (23/01/2024).

    During the program hosted by Nur Harisyah Pratiwi, H. Elman elaborated on the city's collaborative strategies to address stunting in the Prabumulih region. Emphasizing that addressing stunting goes beyond mere coordination, he shared his personal involvement in directly assessing the conditions of toddlers affected by stunting and providing assistance in the form of supplementary nutritional food packages.

    "Stunting is not only about nutritional deficiencies. We consider factors such as the home environment, parents' occupations, received assistance, sanitation, and more," stated Elman.

    He urged relevant department heads to contribute solutions in tackling stunting, emphasizing that the responsibility doesn't solely rest on the Health and Family Planning Agency but involves the collective effort of all department heads.

    "Our goal is zero stunting, but we approach it gradually. We expect the number of stunting cases to continue decreasing. This initiative reflects Prabumulih City's commitment to reducing stunting rates," explained H. Elman.

    On a positive note, Elman reported a decline in stunting cases in Prabumulih from 79 to 69. He expressed determination to continue efforts until the issue is fully addressed, acknowledging the seriousness of the stunting problem and the need for sustained attention.

    "We hope for a stunting-free Prabumulih, creating a generation that is outstanding and high-quality," he added.

    Elman emphasized the involvement of all relevant departments and vertical institutions in addressing the stunting issue in Prabumulih. He expressed optimism that, through collaborative efforts, the stunting rate would gradually decrease, stressing the need for clear commitment in handling the matter.

    Accompanying Mayor of Prabumulih during the talk show were heads of various departments, including Public Works and Spatial Planning, Environmental Health, Population and Family Planning, Development Planning, Health, Food Security, Information and Communication, Regional General Hospital, Fisheries, Social Affairs, and Cooperation Division.
